Carbon emissions can be controlled in so many ways on any given level; be it organizational, industrial, or else; but only so many ways you can use to reach the desired threshold to enjoy the sweet zone of not needing any other organization to cancel out your exceeded margin. Carbon credits (the credits which an organization has that allow them a certain amount of carbon emission in a year) are used by either sticking to the emission allowances or providing funding for sustainable projects that actually create green energy.
If the equilibrium has to be maintained, this is commonly executed & achieved through an exchange, referred to as Carbon Financing. An annual payment cycle is started to fund your company’s project partner, be it public, private, NGO, etc for the greenhouse gases emission reductions created once the project is fully operational.
Carbon financing is a great way to boost the financial viability of cutting-edge projects to give them a longer life & less government interference. It can also generate an added revenue stream and gives an opportunity for the effective transfer of technologies, expertise & knowledge. It provides a medium of leveraging new public & private investments so that the investment kitty inflate & can help in projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions allowing all to contribute.
But to leverage carbon financing to your advantage, organizations have to first file for a certification called CER (Certified Emissions Reduction Certificate) and get the audit done to pass for it.
A Certified Emissions Reduction Certificate, or a CER, is provided by the United Nations to member nations for averting one tonne of CO2 emissions by taking measures suitable for the environment. Countries with economies, both traditional & developed (as defined in the Kyoto Protocol) use CERs to help them reach their emission goals. These countries are able to reach their targets and are easily able to set future goals as it makes the endeavor of reducing greenhouse gases emissions more achievable.
Carbon Financing is a way to help organizations and help them out with their slab of emissions, at same the time for the government to be a watchdog over how much they are using or misusing the resources and abusing the limits they have to adhere to
Here are some facts regarding Climate Finance:
1) The UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement call for financial assistance from countries with more financial resources to those that are less endowed and more vulnerable. (Drishti IAS - )
2) Under the Climate Change Action Plan for 2016-2020, the World Bank Group laid out a plan to increase climate finance from 21% to 28 % of the Bank’s total budget and has surpassed these targets for the second year in a row (Source – World Bank
3) The largest source of climate financing in India is public funding, which is routed through budgetary allocation and several funds and schemes related to climate change established by the Government of India such as National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) and National Adaptation Fund (NAF). (Drishti IAS - )
It's necessary for the environment to have people who are taking care of it and helping it rest in the safest of embraces. The continuous industrial development and growth of infrastructure, new machines, and technology taking over the physical human efforts account for almost all the emissions. With this change, comes our responsibility to control or rather change altogether for the sake of this planet. Fortunately, or unfortunately, we can just do the former i.e. tending towards our responsibility to control.