Mission Zero – Measure

Science Based Targets
To target long term emission reduction by taking in consideration level of decarbonisation required, we “Assess”, “Target”, and “Validate” so as, organization’s get their targets approved and recognized.
We Assess - to set up a foundation for your emissions reduction targets with our own tools and techniques.
We Demonstrate - to make your business case gain vital buys. Our demonstration scientifically includes value of targets set and reputational benefits.
We Target - to gather the data and to deal with the complexities of Scope 3. We accurately calculate achievable reduction targets with our proven methodologies and approaches.
We Validate - to support, guide, assess and validate your Science Based Targets through a body called “The Science Based initiative (SBTi)”.

Sustainability Assessment
To help company’s overcome challenges and choices we “Assist”, “Standardize”, and “Benchmark” corporate sustainability reporting frameworks along with gathering the right information for high quality disclosures to keep your stakeholders and investors satisfied.
We Understand - to keep you steer clear from disclosure maze we understand the reporting framework (GRI/NVG/DJSI/CDP/RE100) appropriate for you.
We Manage - to act as a one-stop circular solution for you, we measure your footprint, set your KPI’s, targets, and do Environmental Performance Assessments (Higg Index, Responsible Care, UNGC etc).
We Submit - to reduce the burden on you, we help with CDP submissions and their legislative compliance disclosures. We do “Third Party Sustainability Assessments/Certifications”.
We Improve - to meet company’s their sustainable development goals, we help them to improve their contribution like low carbon offsetting projects.
Carbon Foot Printing
To help you to keep a track of your future climate progress, your current footprint will be a baseline. We help you to “Standardize”, “Control”, and “Robust” your carbon footprint calculation.
We Calculate - to understand the sources of your organization’s carbon footprint including energy usage, business travel, processes and other operations.
We Help - to create a value chain strategy to collect the data and to calculate a Scope 3 carbon footprint.
We Standardize - to identify the use of standard product footprint, and scope of data collection throughout a product's life considering supply chain, materials, manufacture, installation and disposal. We also deal with Life Cycle Assessments.
We Reduce - to help varied types of asset classes to measure and analyse their carbon risk exposure by calculating the carbon emissions of investment portfolios with the usage of special tools.

Water Foot Printing
Water Footprint Assessment is a four-phase process that quantifies and maps green, blue and grey water footprints. We "Access", "Structure", and "Formulate" the sustainability, efficiency and equitability of water use and identifies which strategic actions should be prioritised in order to make a footprint sustainable.
We Assess - to begins with setting the goals and scope of the water footprint study.
We Calculate - to move ahead on pre-defined goals and scope of the Water Footprint Assessment. We collect the data to calculate the footprint of the relevant processes for the study.
We Allocate - to make water usage environmentally sustainable, resource efficient and equitably allocated. We Strategize - to reduce the water footprint and improve its sustainability can be prioritized for implementation.
Energy Foot Printing
We help you to identify the escalating energy cost, conservation opportunities and building up profit margins. We help you to “Reduce”, “Structure”, and “Promote” your energy efficient projects.
We Evaluate - to arrive at the techno-economic solution on the basis of energy utilization analysis and energy conservation measures.
We Study - to understand energy consumption, power sources, distribution system and their limitations, and discussing the recommendations.
We Study - to collect data on operation parameters, existing plant capacity and their performance, and identify the potential; areas for conservation of energy.
We Follow-up - to ascertain the level of implementation of recommendation and assist in implementing the measures to achieve energy user efficiency.

Airport Carbon Accreditation
We independently verify the emissions figure through a 2-tier system when submitting details to ACA for accreditation. Our independent verifiers “Access”, “Improve”, and “Verify” to move towards carbon neutrality.
We Assist - to verify airports under the 4 levels of accreditation programs, providing practical and efficient solutions to overcome the impacts of aviation and airport operations.
We Move - to achieve carbon neutrality and/or net-zero GHG emissions by developing robust policy frameworks and the design of operational changes.
We Connect - to discuss our in-depth understanding of carbon accounting and the ACA program to refine and improve the overall quality of carbon reporting.
We Guide - to reduce the climate impact by supporting airport environmental management through a roadmap of continuous improvement and partnership with stakeholders.